Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Kangaroo weekend

Back in Yore, when I used to play half-penny poker with my friends, one of the wacky wild-card games we played had a special hand, the kangaroo straight. A kangaroo straight might be, for example, a 2-4-6-8-10. Discerning intellects will decipher why it was called that. At any rate, the LIKE contract specifies one three-day weekend a month, and it's coming up on Saturday. Unfortunately, since I agreed to take Thursdays off and work Sundays, my three-day weekend is Thursday-Saturday-Monday. Very marsupialesque. I guess I won't run that three-day ultra-triathlon from here to Pyongyang after all. But in that spirit, here's some kangaroo blogging.
Several of the Korean class members, my new friends, are also in the Daegu Writer's Group. Several people in the DWG are working on a local production of The Vagina Monologues, to be put on at Hami Mami's/Club That (as everything I do is), with the proceeds going to a group of aged "comfort women" from World War Two. My new friend Emma from New Zealand, who is in the cast, invited me to a show via Facebook. I answered that I couldn't go, as I work Sundays and don't actually have a vagina. She answered that there's a Sunday show and anyone could go who has one, or likes them. So of course, now I have to go... kidding; I'm looking forward to it. (I suspect that a play called The Penis Dialogues would run about a minute and a half; not all that much to say.) But, of course, the penis mightier than the sword.
Since Han Solo Rocks' triumph in trivia last week, my friend Justin has invited me to be on his team in a couple of weeks, and to help him run another game a couple of weeks after that. I have to pick a category to ask questions about. I'm thinking maybe War and Peace. Or Higher Education. Or Compassionate Republicans. Wait, I have to come up with ten questions...
Longtime readers of this blog (all right, me) may recall that back in October I posted my favorite name for a menu dish here, Sausage Nude Toast. I think I have a new contender, though, which I saw in a downtown window: Lips of Chicken Omurice.
It occurs to me that I leave the USA for a month or two and you guys let it go all to hell. At least here, there are jobs for Americans. Also, radio doesn't play Rush Limbaugh. The green tea ice cream is way better here, too.
I intuited that "juseyo" meant "please", as in "Bibimbap, juseyo." Turns out that "juseyo" means "give me". Now I'm trying to think of what I've accidentally asked people to give me. My favorite Korean word is for "here": "yogi". That's one I can remember. "Chabal" means please. I think. I'm kind of scared to say it now.
English-language tv shows and movies are subtitled in Korean, except for children's shows and films, which are dubbed into Korean. I was really pleased a couple of weeks ago to find"Doctor Who on tv... till I saw it was dubbed! Okay, if you really think it's a kids' show... why are you broadcasting it at 2 a.m.?
To make a long story short... oops! Too late. Bye!

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